May your butt reign supreme in Brief Battles! Use your underpants to fight your friends in this fast-paced, underwear-fueled party game.
Key Features -
Local multiplayer mayhem: Gather up to three friends, cheek-to-cheek on your couch to dominate in classic or ridiculous underpants-themed game modes.
Solo & co-op challenges: Test your skills in solo challenges or battle beasties with a friend!
Nimble underwearriors: Play as one of six cute, plump, wobbly characters and unlock charming crossover skins.
Super-powered undies: Conquer foes with buns of steel, toxic tighty-whities, flaming hot pants, and more!
Attractive arenas: Battle in 50 unique and treacherous 2.5D arenas, across five regions.
Play at your pace: Trophy hunters can push their skills to the limit to reach the hardest challenge goals, while accessibility options open the game up to everyone.
Free updates: No paid DLC. No butts about it.
1-4 players
2GB minimum save size
Software subject to license ( Online features require an account and are subject to terms of service and applicable privacy policy ( & One-time license fee for play on account’s designated primary PS4™ system and other PS4™ systems when signed in with that account.
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