Tiny Troopers Joint Ops is an epic bite-sized arcade shooter, filled to the brim with action-packed mini maps of mayhem! Take control of your tiny troopers as you battle evil adversaries from around the world with a multitude of weapons. Recruit specialist mercenaries such as Medics, Machine Gunners and the Elite Delta Force to subdue enemy insurgents! Collect medals, dog tags, Intel and more during the course of each mission to ensure victory. Play online in Zombie mode including leaderboards + switch between PlayStation®Vita, PlayStation®4 and PlayStation®3 with Sony’s Cross-Buy & Cross-Save functionality. With over 7 hours of gun toting explosive gameplay, Tiny Troopers is miniature warfare on a massive scale!
Purchasing this content entitles you to both the PS3™, PS4™, and “PS Vita” versions!